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Digital pressure gauge _ pressure calibrator > News > How to check the precision digital pressure gauge?
How to check the precision digital pressure gauge?
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Time : 2019-08-05 17:08 Pageviews : 68

As standard equipment, precision digital pressure gauges are mainly used to verify pointer pressure gauges, digital display pressure gauges and other products. So how to test the digital pressure gauge?

The inspection standard of digital pressure gauge refers to "JJG875-2005 Verification Regulations for Digital Pressure Gauge". According to the requirements of the regulations, the following conditions must be met before the verification can be started.

u Ambient temperature: 20±2℃;

u Relative temperature: no more than 85%.

u When selecting the standard pressure gauge, the measuring range should be greater than or equal to the measuring range of the digital pressure gauge. The absolute value of the maximum allowable error of the standard device should be less than 1/3 of the absolute value of the maximum allowable error of the tested pressure gauge. For pressure gauges above grade 0.05 (including grade 0.05), when a piston pressure gauge is used as a standard, the absolute value of the maximum allowable error of the standard should be less than one-half of the absolute value of the maximum allowable error of the tested pressure gauge.

The inspection items are mainly four aspects: maximum allowable error, return error, zero drift, and stability.

1) The accuracy level of the pressure gauge and the maximum allowable error have 8 levels: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.6.

2) The return error cannot be greater than the absolute value of the maximum allowable error.

3) Zero drift

The zero drift of the precision digital pressure gauge shall not be greater than 1/2 of the absolute value of the maximum allowable error within 1h.

4) Stability

        The change in the indication value between two adjacent verification periods shall not be greater than 0.05%;

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