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Digital pressure gauge _ pressure calibrator > Industry news > The development trend of standard pressure verification equipment
The development trend of standard pressure verification equipment
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Time : 2020-02-29 14:56 Pageviews : 28

Everyone knows that pressure transmitters play a key role in the natural environment of various industrial production automatic control systems. The verification work is one of the key ways to ensure the index value of pressure transmitters. New China's metrological management system continues to develop, and in the whole process of today's rapid development, the verification machinery and equipment have undergone a great transformation and improvement.

Today, let us exchange ideas on the development trend of pressure transmitter verification machinery and equipment, and accompany you to the front line of verification, and learn about the development history of pressure transmitter verification machinery and equipment in China, feel the passing of years, and sigh the development of verification machinery and equipment process.

First generation: single composition

Application equipment: pressure pump + precision pressure gauge + ammeter, ammeter, resistance box, switching power supply


Features: Manual charging and manual service reading are required. The standard meter has low accuracy, repeatability and durability. It cannot be brought to the site. The machine and equipment have a single function. The accurate measurement of current and working voltage must be matched. The detection instrument and switching power supply of the company have been replaced.

The second generation: Modularization of electrical measurement

Application equipment: pressure pump + digital pressure gauge + digital multimeter


Features: Compared with the previous generation, the standardizer has been greatly improved. The barometer adopts a digital display type, which is convenient and immediate to load. It solves the defects of difficult reading and poor durability of the analog precision pressure gauge; the application of digital multimeter is accurate Measuring electrical data signals has improved the accuracy and is convenient to read, but the volume is large. Nowadays, such methods and equipment are very rare.

The fourth generation: working pressure, electrical measurement modularization

Application machinery and equipment: pressure pump + intelligent large digital precision pressure gauge

Features: Compared with the previous generation, the major change is the modular integration of the digital pressure gauge and the electrical precision measurement meter, single and double rows of large numbers display information, and can also accurately measure the working pressure and electrical data signals, and the volume is smaller. Work pressure verification is more convenient.

Fourth generation: Intelligent pressure calibrator

Application equipment: pressure pump + intelligent pressure calibrator


Features: Compared with the previous generation, the overall processing technology, reliability, and credibility are improved, and the pressure calibrator has more functions, including electrical measurement. In addition, it is suitable for HART intelligent pressure change correction, which can store data information during the entire verification process. , Data information can be easily exported to electronic computers, and verification has just begun to develop toward electronic orientation. At this stage, it is the most popularized plan among on-site manual verification.

The fifth generation: automatic generation of working pressure, automatic measurement and control system

Application machinery and equipment: intelligent working pressure generator + intelligent pressure calibrator


Features: Compared with the previous generation, the automatic generation of working pressure is maintained. Manual charging and manual adjustment are no longer necessary. An external intelligent pressure calibrator and supporting facilities mobile phone software constitute an automatic planning scheme, and the system software is automatically obtained Data can be used to produce measurement verification records and qualification certificates, and the mobile phone software of supporting facilities additionally maintains the role of measurement management.

The sixth generation: Intelligent automatic type (laboratory)

Application equipment: PY821 working pressure automatic measurement calibration system software


Features: It is the leading verification plan at this stage. It has the characteristics of intelligent system, digitization, and information management. Compared with the previous generation, it has high efficiency, intelligent level, pressure control rate, accuracy, reliability, function, etc. Multi-faceted upgrades have been carried out at all levels. The system software adopts a parameterized design, which can additionally inspect multiple inspected dashboards. It is suitable for multi-client coordination, actual operation of the touch screen, two-dimensional code entry, individual qualification certificate management methods, dashboard management methods, and template customization. And it can be seamlessly spliced with the customer's original system software, so that the working pressure correction of the laboratory enters the period of checking meters of intelligent system, intelligent and information management.

Based on an interview with ARIPY, the article confirms the development trend of pressure change verification equipment. ARIPY was founded for nearly ten years. Its technical specialty focuses on the development trend of large digital working pressure and temperature measuring instruments. It has won the National Spark Program High-tech Company, National Demonstration Company of Intelligent Manufacturing System, and National High-tech Company. It has a variety of honorable titles such as the top 500 most promising companies in Zhongguancun, Beijing, and has a prominent influence in the thermal insulation verification industry around the world.

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