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Digital pressure gauge _ pressure calibrator > Q&A > The practical importance of digital pressure gauge design
The practical importance of digital pressure gauge design
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时间 : 2020-04-21 20:15 浏览量 : 28

The basic principles of the design of digital pressure gauges must be carried out in strict accordance with the relative standards and norms of the country. If the design is not scientific, it will not only jeopardize the level of difficulty in the production and inspection stages of the digital pressure gauge product, but it will also be immediately related to the working reliability and safety factor of the digital pressure gauge product, which is very important. This article introduces the practical significance of the digital pressure gauge design, clearly puts forward the reliability regulations of the digital pressure gauge design, and analyzes the reliability of the working pressure of the digital pressure gauge design, which can be used for reference. Through the application of reliability design in the design of digital pressure gauges, not only can we get rid of the defects of the basic design method, but also can improve the reliability of the bowl and ensure the rationality and safety factor of the bowl. Therefore, it must be popularized.


 The practical importance of digital pressure gauge design Due to the uniqueness of digital pressure gauges, many rules also apply to the designer himself. Designers must have high professional capabilities, visualized by long-term professional and technical personnel, and have high professional skills. Digital pressure gauge design should be carried out in the selection of raw materials, steel structure design, support status, perfect mechanism and its effects, intermediate and post-maintenance, and fully consider from many aspects. There are still some problems in the design and sales market of digital pressure gauges in China. Some manufacturers do not have a deep understanding of national regulations and displays, rely too much on some foreign design mobile phone software, or the designer’s design logic is too rational, the applicability of designing digital pressure gauges is not strong, or the designer’s technical strength is not strong , There are considerable safety risks in the design process of digital pressure gauges, and the safety factor of digital pressure gauges cannot be guaranteed, posing a threat to the personal safety of users. The digital pressure gauge must be designed according to the user's requirements. The designer must fully understand the application requirements of the digital pressure gauge, and then set the main parameters according to the requirements, and then make the selection of the digital pressure gauge, structural issues, compressive strength, working pressure, etc. Scientific research and calculations, to carry out clear and accurate prefabricated part specification data and raw materials. The digital pressure gauge must go through all the most important processes in the natural environment (including the design phase, the manufacturing phase, the safety test phase, the operation phase, the intermediate maintenance and the post-maintenance) before it can be used.

Reliability Regulations of Digital Pressure Gauge Design

 The reliability of digital pressure gauge design stipulates that in today's petrochemical industry chain processing, the production and manufacturing stages are more complicated. The general defects of all mechanical equipment in some mechanical equipment production process engineering projects will endanger the quality of the product, do not perform manufacturing at all, or cause serious risks to the reliability of the operation of personal safety machinery and equipment. However, with the rapid development trend of China's energy industry, Digital pressure gauges are commonly used in all industries. However, it must be understood that high-temperature pressure vessels used in industrial production have to bear a large working pressure and temperature. The actual working standards are very strict. Therefore, the design of digital pressure gauges has a high degree of raw material selection and compressive strength calculations. Provisions.

 2.1 The reliability of mechanical equipment operation In the whole process of design of digital pressure gauge, the safety factor of design is more important. Only in this way can we further guarantee the relative production and manufacturing theme activities. The digital pressure gauge of petrochemical equipment must be stressed by the necessary work during the process before the process conversion, and the model and structure of the necessary specifications must be available during the completion of the temperature and process conversion. The raw materials produced in general chemical plants have obvious toxic side effects and corrosion. If they are not solved well, fire accidents and even explosion safety accidents will occur. Therefore, the digital pressure gauge can store a certain amount of kinetic energy. Once released, the internal pressure of the digital pressure gauge The storage effect will be unfolded in a short period of time and has a great impact.

 2.2 Actual operation and maintenance Generally speaking, the raw materials of chemical plants may erode the key factors that endanger the life of digital pressure gauges of petrochemical equipment. Shell structure materials. If chemical research is not carried out, the raw materials of chemical plants will thin the instrument walls, so digital pressure is being implemented. When the work pressure of the watch is designed, it is necessary to carefully analyze the factors of further erosion, and this can only be done. It not only guarantees the reliability of the design work of the digital pressure gauge, but also in order to consider some special requirements as soon as possible, a test instrument whose cover must be disassembled is designed, and a sealing structure that must be disassembled as soon as possible is selected, so as to reasonably prevent the heavy stud from docking. The manufacturing cost of the bowl is at a certain level.

 2.3 In order to improve the design of digital pressure gauges as soon as possible, it is very important to improve the economic development, application and safety factor. In addition, in order to help design the digital pressure gauge, manufacture and inspect and test, the structure design is as simple as possible. If there are some over-standards, you can immediately find and obtain an appropriate solution, so as to reasonably reduce the manufacturing cost of the digital pressure gauge and greatly reduce the raw materials. And maintenance costs.

Digital pressure gauge design working pressure reliability

 3. Digital pressure gauge design work pressure reliability subject The whole process of digital pressure gauge design must design safe and reliable technology and economic development institutions. The design working pressure and pressure of the digital pressure gauge in the system configuration valve is one of the topics that must be considered, but the pressure of the bowl can be selected in the working pressure design of the valve damage to ensure the safety factor of the digital pressure gauge, but further strengthen the technical reliability The method is a problem that needs to be discussed. In a specific design, the design working pressure and the reliability of the valve setting pressure are the actual standard values related to p and PZ and PW and the engineering items related to the production process, that is, when the maximum pressure is selected It is closely related to the working pressure of the valve plate. When all the functions of the digital pressure gauge work normally, after the valve leaks or opens, if everything fails to return to the original point normally, it becomes a pressure controller optimized for the system, but it will not have the effect of preventing the working pressure from exceeding the safe value.

 3.1 Working pressure characteristics and differential pressure In many research processes, the relationship between the change of the bowl and the working pressure characteristics of the steam valve is described in more detail. Taking into account the safety factor, the design working pressure of the digital pressure gauge must generally exceed the valve setting. Constant pressure, so that the working pressure of the valve can be kept within a certain range. The allowable working pressure of the digital pressure gauge in a short time is much larger than the sewer pressure of the valve. The designed working pressure of the digital pressure gauge is similar to the set pressure of the valve, which is a more reasonable choice at present. In addition, attention must be paid to the valve recovery operating pressure, after the valve is discharged, it can contact the high-pressure gate valve again. That is to say, if the aspect ratio is zero, the valve inlet working pressure, the working pressure after leakage, usually the valve sealing test pressure or the working pressure of the sealing loss is the sealing guarantee value between the current valve core and the high-pressure gate valve. It can be seen in the above state analysis to ensure the safety factor of the digital pressure gauge design. That is to say, all normal pressures of the digital pressure gauge must be guaranteed, including changes in working pressure such as start-up, shutdown, phase fluctuations, and all working conditions that are lower than the valve's rewind working pressure may produce the maximum pressure. Second, the digital pressure gauge is that the maximum normal pressure of all is lower than the working pressure of the valve sealing experiment, so it can guarantee all the operation of the valve, and ensure that the valve is not one of the pressure controllers in the system software, but all kinds of normal operation.

 3.2 Problems of special attention in the whole process of digital pressure gauge design In the whole process of digital pressure gauge design in China at this stage, the basic design is the calculation of calculation accounting and the computerization of drawings. The designer is based on the understanding of computers and international relative norms. Omitting the whole calculation process, only paying attention to the values may cause incorrect basis and safety risks. Especially when stainless steel plates are used in raw material chemical plants, the design working pressure and design temperature of the mechanical equipment must be fully considered, the welding characteristics of the raw materials can be properly resolved, and the rationalization of economic development can also be fully considered. The level of thick steel plates cannot be raised blindly according to the wind. If the design work pressure is high and the structure specifications are too large, using diamond-containing steel as the shell material will not only increase the thickness of the machine and equipment covering the wall, improve the quality, but also improve the production, manufacturing, transportation and installation , Civil engineering and other basic technologies.

 4. Conclusion: In order to improve the design reliability of the digital pressure gauge as soon as possible, it is necessary to pay attention to the problems in the whole process of design, and clarify the analysis of relative countermeasures. Only in this way can the scientific research accuracy of digital pressure gauge design be promoted in turn.

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